The Marvin Fund
About The Marvin Fund
The Marvin Fund was created in 2003 by Ernest J. Finocchio, DVM, who at that time was the RISPCA's president. The fund was named after his remarkable dog, Marvin, who was surrendered to the RISPCA in 2002 by owners who "no longer had time for him" and was returned to the RISPCA twice after failed attempted adoptions. Doc brought Marvin home on Thanksgiving Day in 2002 with the hope that he might become a good family pet.
It is not an understatement to say that Marvin became famous. He and Doc visited hundreds of schools, nursing homes, day care centers, libraries and hospitals and Marvin was named the Nation's Top Therapy Dog in 2009. He was particularly effective providing cheer and encouragement to hospitalized children. He and Doc regularly met with civic and governmental leaders and books were written about him. He was also featured in several national magazine publications (sometimes as the cover story) and he created remarkable works of art (no kidding) by swishing his paint laden tale across canvas. The sale of his books and artwork generated nearly $200,000 in proceeds that were used to establish the Marvin Fund.
Marvin passed away in 2010 and Dr. Finocchio, whose imprint on the RISPCA is every bit as remarkable as Marvin's, passed away in 2020. The Marvin Fund provides direct financial subsidies to supplement the cost of veterinary care for pet owners in need of assistance at independent veterinary practices and low cost veterinary clinics, including the RISPCA's own Animal Health Center. The continued success of the Marvin Fund is a testament to Marvin and to Doc and we honor their memory.
If you would like to support the Marvin Fund, please donate HERE.
Are you in Need of Assistance?
Friends of Animals in Need is now the Grant administrator of the RISPCA's Marvin Fund. If you are in need of financial assistance for veterinary care for your pet, please contact them at 401.489.3645. We strive to keep pets and the people who cherish them together.